Welcome to the Fitzroy Community School website.
"People Before Things," is the spirit and motto of Fitzroy Community School.
FCS is an independent, alternative primary school. It has its own unique style of operation. Our school has a relaxed atmosphere and good outcomes at the same time. Children are keen on learning and keen on coming to school. The most common comment that visitors make is that it feels like an extended family.
At FCS, the roll is kept to the size of a large, extended family. This is deliberate. Everybody knows everybody, and the individual feels valued. It's not just another institution.
FCS aims for three outcomes in terms of its students and graduates: happiness, viability and academic excellence. We feel that these qualities offer the best chance of a happy, fulfilling and engaging life. The culture of the school supports the achievement of these qualities, and we are overjoyed that our students and graduates demonstrate them. A big part of this is our emphasis on confidence and effective communication skills. These are not so much taught as learned through the daily lifestyle of the school.
FCS was founded in 1976 by Philip O'Carroll and Faye Berryman in their home at 597 Brunswick Street, North Fitzroy and still operates there, and is blessed to still have their commitment and experience four decades later. FCS has a second campus in Normanby Avenue, Thornbury.
We welcome prospective parents to come and see the school. Please call to make a mutually convenient time.
菲兹洛伊小学成立于1976年,创始人是菲.贝瑞曼(Faye Berryman)和菲利普.奥卡罗尔(Philip O’Carroll)。学校一开始就设立在他们自己家里,并有幸在四十年后仍然坚持着自己的初心。如今学校有了一所分校,位于诺曼比大道,索恩伯里(Normanby Avenue, Thornbury)。两位创始人创建这所学校的初衷是什么呢? 菲毕业后成为了一名中学老师,当时她遇到了一个难题,那就是她发现自己班上学生们的读写能力普遍不好。追究原因,她发现,这些孩子们在小学阶段就没有学好读写,上了中学,当面临更多、更长的内容时,就显得力不从心。而当时澳大利亚的英文课普遍实行的是整体语言教学法(whole language method),在认识到整体语言法对读写教学的局限性后,菲与菲利普决定自己办学,并探索更科学的读写教学方法,这就是现在我们看到的菲兹洛伊读本与其独特的教学法。
菲兹洛伊小学对于在读的和毕业的学生专注于三个目标:幸福、自立和学术成就。学校相信,这些品质能让幸福、充实的人生成为可能。学校的文化本身就支持实现这些目标,而无论是在读的学生还是已经毕业的学生都在展现着这些特征,这是学校最为欣慰的。 这其中很大一部分是学校对自信和有效沟通技巧的重视。这些不是通过教导,而是通过学校的日常生活学习到的。
介绍学校的一本书叫《神奇学校》,在此引用书本开篇的一段话来让大家更多地了解这所学校:这里孩子们的学习时间比别人短;8:50晨会,9:20才开始上课,随时有学生到厨房里找吃的,下午2:50就放学,中间还要去户外公园上体育课,每天都有“做什么都可以”的自由时间;整个学校一学年有二十几次营地活动,还要外出参加各种体育比赛;几乎没有全体学生都在学校的时候;有时候学校还会变成“空城”…… 总之,孩子们不是在玩就是在吃,再不然就是去探险,最后才轮到学习。