教学软件使用说明2 内容进行内容补充 教学软件使用说明3 内容进行内容补充 教学软件使用说明4 内容进行内容补充 教学软件使用说明5 内容进行内容补充 有声读本课件(电脑软件)Fitzroy Sounding Readers 菲茨罗伊读本课件(电脑软件)是非常强大的识字工具,也是互动性较强的教学软件,能让课堂教学更加轻松、生动,集中孩子们的注意力,且操作简单。尤其是对于那些从来没有学过如何发音的人来说。它直接向老师和学生展示如何用拼读法来解读单词。学生可以坐在电脑前听故事,点击任何他们不确定的单词,然后解码并听出其发音规则,除非它是一个特殊的单词。当然,学生也可以直接收听特殊词汇单词的发音。 预习 解码单词发音; 跟读句子; 听故事; 游戏(图片、词语配对、听力练习……); 创造性写作; 共 7 套,每一套有 10 个故事; 循序渐进,增强记忆,逐步积累。 Fitzroy Sounding Readers is the most powerful literacy aid we have ever made. Especially for people who have never learned how to read phonically. It directly shows teachers and students how to SOUND OUT words - using a human voice. The student can sit at the computer and hear the stories, click on any word they are not sure of, and have it SOUNDED OUT for them: unless of course it is a special word - in which case the word is spoken. The student can:· Hear a story, turning the page when they are ready. Click on a word to have it sounded out. play various activities relating to each story. Re-write the story themselves: save, edit, update and print. This software is recommended for students who are slow learners - and also for eager students who wish to race ahead and understand a larger range of sound 请按下Play键播放下面的视频来简单演示一下这个软件。 |